I have been concerned with the science-society relationships for most of my professional life, first during approximately 26 years of journalistic practice, then during my 17 years of academic, nomadic life in the Danish university system. My current status as an independent writer and scholar (PhD) is unlikely to eradicate that life-long preoccupation. It is, on the other hand, likely to give me more time to study and write about the philosophy of journalism – another of my favourite topics and, as I see it, substantially linked to questions concerning the science-society relationships. The texts displayed on this website may give you a rough idea of how and why I find that the topics are interrelated, and how and why I even connect both of them to questions concerning language and politics.
Besides a relatively formal CV and list of publications (both in English) the documents that are made available here contain open access versions (when needed due to copyright issues) of texts that have been published in peer review journals, in conference proceedings and books or as project reports. Together, they constitute a selection of my writings since 2000. Some texts are in English, others in Danish. This is clearly marked so as to prevent confusion.
If you happen to be interested in one of the texts that I have not made available here, or if you wish to get in contact for some other reason, do get in touch, preferably by emailing to gitte@gittemeyer.eu. You may also contact me via ResearchGate or Academia.edu – I’m presented there, but frankly: my visits are not frequent. I much prefer direct exchanges to the standardised social media communication formats and I’m not a customer of commercial outlets such as facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.